I love to do hands on projects with my students. I also love for them to see why math is important in their everyday world. We also do a LOT of cooking in my classroom. For students to cook safely in our classroom, we decided to design and create aprons.
Using a tea towel, I sewed down the two top corners. Students then needed to learn about non-standard and standard units of measurement. We learned about these skills, knowing that we needed this knowledge for creating an apron. Students then used to measuring tapes and linking cubes to measure out the ribbon that they would need to create the neck piece and the tie around the waist. Students decorated their apron using fabric crayons and pastels.
To sew the ribbon on correctly they needed to measure from the top of the apron to find where the waist would go. They had to fold the fabric in half lengthwise (hotdog style) to find the centre and do the same with the long waist ribbon. All the students then got to use the sewing machine to guide and sew their final product. They all looked so amazing!