Blog Post

Jumping on the Bandwagon

March 11, 2022

Using Wordle in the classroom

Written by: Jessica Small 

As a scroll my social media accounts there is an increasing amount of people that share their Worldle scores. What is Worldle? Just in case you have missed this growing game phenomenon taking the place of the average daily newspaper crossword, it is a web-based app where the participant is trying to guess the daily five letter word. Each guess allows the person to see if they had correct letters in the correct place (green), correct letters in the wrong place (yellow), or incorrect letters (grey). Think Hangman meets Mastermind. 

But how can we integrate this into the classroom? This website allows for anyone to choose a word of any length and create a link to send to students to try and problem solve what the word is. I recently tried this in my grade 7/8 class using some words from our current themes. It was great to see students challenge themselves, a few even guessed my first word the first try! Depending on your age group you could work through these challenges as a class or individual students or small teams. This could be a great way to practice word families. The best part is unlike Wordle, you can create as many words as you want. In the time of Covid- this was a great morning meeting game that allowed my students to wake up a bit. 


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